Logo of Studio B Dance Academy featuring a stylized "B" with ballet slippers, encircled by the academy's name in capital letters.

P.T. Barnum said it best when he said "The noblest art is that of making others happy". Studio B believes this & strives to bring smiles across the Eastern Shore by being involved in community events. Several times a year, students visit our local assisted living facilities to put on a small show & bring special gifts for the residents.

In December, Studio B rides in both the Daphne Christmas Parade as well as Fairhope's Magical Christmas Parade. These are such fun events to share with their friends & spread holiday joy!

During the Mardi Gras season, Studio B is invited to both perform & have a float in the AML Mardi Gras Parade in Daphne. The Studio B Company dances in the streets while other dancers ride on the float & throw candy & trinkets to the crowd.

We love performing & supporting local events such as the Jubilee Festival of Arts in Daphne, the Elf Ride at OWA benefitting the YMCA, and the Arts & Crafts Festival in Fairhope. When invitations to be a part of community events are extended, Studio B jumps on the opportunity to let our students showcase their talents!

Community Involvement

Logo of Studio B Dance Academy featuring a stylized "B" with ballet slippers, encircled by the academy's name in capital letters.

Providing top-quality dance education for children on the Eastern Shore. Small classes, experienced teachers, nurturing environment. Join us today!

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Gulf Coast Media Best of Baldwin Awards

A Gulf Coast Media badge that reads "Best of Baldwin 2023 Winner" proudly showcases a wave and a sun, celebrating the accolade for Best Dance Studio in 2023.
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